Sunday, August 10, 2008

Secret word of the week

This week the secret word of the week is going to read just like this.

Word of the Day Archive
Sunday September 23, 2007

abrogate \AB-ruh-gayt\, transitive verb:
1. To annul or abolish by an authoritative act.
2. To put an end to; to do away with.

Word of the Day Archive
Wednesday October 3, 2007

distrait \dis-TRAY\, adjective:
Divided or withdrawn in attention, especially because of anxiety.

Word of the Day Archive
Saturday August 9, 2008

tittle-tattle \TIT-uhl TAT-uhl\, noun:
1. Idle, trifling talk; empty prattle.
2. An idle, trifling talker; a gossip.

Word of the Day Archive
Sunday August 10, 2008

exalt \ig-ZOLT\, verb:
1. To praise, glorify, or honor.
2. To heighten or intensify.
3. To raise in rank, character, or status

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