Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Now, I wasn't expecting that, exactly

As seen on MSNBC, the story about Adolf Hitler Campbell, and his two younger siblings being removed by protective services from their parents.

I'm kind of torn, since the article didn't really say anything aside from the children were removed. Not that I agree, at all, with naming your children something that is designed to antagonize people, and that will make their lives really difficult. But I'm also not sure I agree with the supporting the right of the state to remove the children unless those parents were actually, you know...injuring the children. Argh. Yes, it's psychological harm as they get older. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I'm sure the hazing and teasing they'll get in foster care with those names won't do any damage whatsoever. <--(blatant sarcasm)