Sunday, October 21, 2007


So yeah, Karma. I've always more or less believed in Karma in the traditional sense, but at the root it seems to go back to "do unto others". I let the car in the driveway out if there's a huge line of people behind me. I take the time to listen when someone has a problem, because it helps them to express what's going on in a rational way, so they can come to grips with things. I usually have twenty dollars in an emergency to tide someone over for the couple days until payday. I treat other people for the most part the way I'd like to be treated. Generally even people who I know will never return the favor. It all adds up in the end, to my Karma bank account.

So at Christmas, at the mall, I can usually find the front row parking spot. I generally end up with people who will listen to me when I have something to say. I respect people's beliefs, and as a result, rarely get any flack about my own beliefs or morals.

It's a nice setup, Karma. But there's always someone who thinks that they should get to decide who gets what, and when. They see themselves somehow as the judge, jury and executioner. It's pretty funny if you think about it, because the executioner probably doesn't end up with a lot of good Karma in his basket, since he's usually beheading people. Individual people don't get to make the rules for others. You can't decide whether or not JimBob has done something wrong, and try to punish him for it. It isn't your decision to make. Some higher power, pick which one at your own discretion, is going to be making that decision, and probably isn't going to be appreciating your input in the first place. Which leads back to garnering bad Karma for you, if you try to make decisions that aren't yours to make.

So I get to sit back and watch the people who are stupid enough to try and take upon themselves stuff they have no business being involved in to begin with, and watch them get back what they have coming to them for sticking their nose into other's business. Great entertainment, if you can get it.

Meh, just a thought for the windy freezing morning today.

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