Friday, October 26, 2007

Double standards

There are a lot of double standards in the world, and I feel like soap-boxing about one of them today, per a conversation I was having a little while ago. It's a pet peeve of mine, because of my body type. I'm fat. I'd try to sugar coat it, but there it is. It isn't that I'm ugly, because I'm not. I'm actually reasonably attractive, all things considered. But I'm not thin. I'm not the societally acceptable "hot" woman. And those women can get away with an awful lot of bullshit that women with my body type cannot with regard to how they behave when they go out to attract a man.

Your standardized hot woman can behave in the most ludicrous of ways when on the prowl. They can and do appear in public wearing clothes that scream "take it all baby". And that actually isn't even my peeve. My biggest complaint is the behavior. The basest of promiscuity. Beyond the basic flirting, they will juggle several men sexually, with no regard for anything, and because of their looks, most men can and do overlook the fact that they're playing the field in bed with several. It's just a given that women who look a certain way are given leeway that women like me aren't granted.

If I were to be sleeping with two men simultaneously, I'd be a slut. Whether or not I was not in a relationship with either of them, I'd be labelled, and neither would want to commit to me. I'd be a dirty little secret, because a: it's difficult for women of my body type to land nice guys in the first place, and b: since I'd given it up, why bother with the likes of me now?

But if you swap out the same situation with a thin, attractive woman, those same two men would most likely be quite willing to commit to that thin woman. They wouldn't *care* that she'd been juggling two men. It would be accepted and irrelevant.

And that seems terribly unfair to me. There would be no nasty names applied. No labels. She'd still be desirable and I'd be insulted, and yet the circumstances would be the same.

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