Sunday, October 21, 2007


I've been thinking about 1994 lately. You'd think this would have been a time of reflection for the decade past, back in 2004, but I was a little busy with other shit that year. C'est la vie.

That was the year 'the group' went and watched the midnight premiere of "Interview with a vampire". The year high school ended, and real life supposedly began. I watched "The Crow" a dozen times that year, and we thought we were invincible.

God, we were young. Wild, carefree, ready to take on anything that came up.

I thought I knew everything, that I could handle anything. Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse. God, I was stupid. And yet, I can't claim that I wish that year hadn't happened.

Being on my own the next year changed me in ways I still sit in quiet contemplation of. Having a child, becoming an actual adult, instead of the smart-ass kid who thought she was an adult.

Anyhow, don't mind me. 1994, I salute you. I don't miss you, but I thank you for the lessons you taught me, and I bid you farewell.

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