Friday, May 18, 2007

Well it's official

We're not going to make it. Money-wise that is. I've trimmed everything down to the base minimum that I can, and there just isn't any way to make the amounts going out smaller. And now I genuinely don't have a clue what the hell to do. No matter what I do, on the first of June, we're 400 dollars negative. There just isn't enough money to go around. And that's predicated on the fact that I don't buy any groceries at all for the rest of this month, or at all next month. That's just base bills. Somehow I need to find a way to recoup approximately 1000 dollars, to get us to someplace vaguely similar to level. The credit cards are maxed. And it isn't like I'm spending money, because I'm not. I'm not even driving my car anywhere, because I don't want to use the gas. Being broke sucks.

So if any of you have money that you want to give to me, at this point, I'm taking donations. Evidentally I only have to manage until the second week in July, and I can start making things balance again. But for right now, donations/repayments of loans/magic money trees, I'm accepting from all sources.

See ya...

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