Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's that time again!

That's right, it's that time of the week again...It's the weekly update of the secret word of the week!

Last week's word of the week was cackwhore, and as promised, here's the translation and explanation:

A cackwhore, for those of you who didn't follow what the hell I was talking about is a crossover word. It's a cross between a cock-knocker and a crackwhore. I was in the middle of a rant last week, talking to a friend, and I just kind of spit out "cackwhore", and it stuck. Thus ending up with 'cackwhore' as the word of the week.

This week's word of the week was decided a few days later, in honor of my friend Mona, and even though it's a little off-center for me personally, it will still be designated, as I promised it would.

Ladies and gents, the secret word of the week:


That's right, I bring you shit-tastic! For all your lousy week needs, you have shit-tastic to get you through your day! Use it, love it, spread the wealth!

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