Monday, September 3, 2007

Approaching Darkness

Holy shit, the sky must be falling, I actually left the house and went out to a freaking rock show!

My friend Nathan's band, Approaching Darkness, played a show last night in Hanford at the Bastille, in a battle of the bands. They were absolutely awesome. I don't generally listen to the kind of music that they play, and in spite of myself, I was still impressed. I'll go out and listen to them again, albeit in a venue a little closer to home next time. It was worth it though.

But I still don't know *WHO WON* damnit!

In other news, Nathan's wife rocks. She's a kick, and entertaining as all hell. Being that I'm a hermit by nature, it's unusual for me to be out and about anywhere for more than a couple of hours, and I managed to pass a very enjoyable six plus hours in Sam's company without realizing that much time had gone by. My hidden tech soul has been appeased, and I think I might have finally found another female friend who dislikes women as much as I do. Egads.

I'll have other stuff to post later, that has nothing to do with Approaching Darkness or rock shows or rock stars' wives, but for right now, this is all I have to offer :)

1 comment:

Sissa said...

OMg you went out of the house, sounds like a blast. Lol and I hate men too :-P