Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I miss you...

I miss you...There's no other way to say it. And I...I can't deny it...

I'm talking about my internets, of course. Comcast are being right bastards, and my internets are missing! I have bundled services with them, it's a new thing, and we're still working out the wrinkles. Suffice it to say, right now, I'm not at all pleased with the new way things are working. I probably will be in the end, but right now, not at all.

I am, however, very pleased with the new HD-DVD player quality we've got going on. And we picked up a new Comcast HDMI TV box, not sure how that'll work out. I'm told it'll give completely clear digital signal, though I can't confirm that yet, as I don't have all the proper cables hooked up. But the quality on the DVD is phenomenal.

I miss other things as well. Perhaps at some point they will pull their heads from their bums. One can hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol I hae to catch up I haven't read in awhile.... love ya