Monday, July 28, 2008

Mmm, bedtime

Yep. It's bedtime, and I'm enjoying the new bedding, it's prettyful :) And yes, I know very damned well that prettyful isn't a word, thank you very much the spell-checker of blogspot. Tough shit.

It's my blog, and I'll spell how I want to. Anyhow, it's bedtime, and tomorrow I'll be finishing up some cleaning, possibly making chicken casserole, and then having dinner elsewhere. The irony in that does not escape me, but I'm also aware that if I don't make a big batch of *something* once a week or so, I end up eating a lot of hard boiled eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, and other 'on the fly' things that are healthy, but not actual meals. So I make a once-a-week meal that I can reheat. It's been working out reasonably well. That, and snagging leftovers from people who cook actual meals, and donate them to me, as their pet starving refugee, now that I can't be bothered to cook for myself. I'm rather enjoying the fringe benefits of that. Maybe one of these days I'll look into the cooking for one cookbooks or something. Who knows.

I'm feeling pretty good, emotionally.

I unpacked my things. The spare room is no longer "spare". It's turning nicely into a library, and looking pretty good. Sissa's dad offered to come and hang up my curtain rods for me, if I can't manage it on my own, which I appreciate. I haven't decided if I'm going to take him up on it yet or not. But I appreciate the offer. It was very kind of him. All in all, things are going well.

I feel like I crossed a very long, very perilous bridge, and have finally reached the other side, and am standing on nice, solid ground for the first time in nearly a year. And it feels good.

I talked to Courtney today as well, and that too, felt good. It was good to hear her voice, to laugh and to talk to her.

Today was a good day. And I didn't even need to use my AK.


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