Friday, July 11, 2008


So busy. Picked up a second job, although I need to finish out the simulator test in order to start working. It's for a really neat company, doing research, which I think I will end up being rather good at in the long run, but I'm still having a paranoia streak about doing the actual simulator testing. Once I push past that barrier, I should do really well. I need to psyche myself into passing the test, and it'll be all good. But they hired me, and it pays well, so we'll see.

Two jobs. Who would've thought? And I'm pretty excited about school too. But it's got me busy as hell, for all intents and purposes. And that's probably good. Keeps me more or less out of trouble. Only leaves me a little bit of time left over to sit and ponder life's injustices or whatever.

I only post blogs sometimes now, well, okay, I still blog a fair bit, and I post on my work forums, which is encouraged. I like that. I really hope that I get into the general psyche class that I'm currently wait-listed on, I'd rather be in that than in the one of the other classes. We shall see. Waiting on a couple of things back from FCC still. Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Feels like I spend a lot of time doing that, even though in reality it's only been like two weeks since I started this endeavor in the first place. Wow. Has it really only been that short of a time?

Monkey's here right now, doing a fast overnight while my Mom takes care of some other stuff, and she'll be gone again tomorrow. It was just a fast stop and go, and that's just as well, since I'm working all weekend, par for the course. Besides, I can't afford to feed this kid, she's a bottomless hole! Heh, I suppose it's to be expected, she's growing up, and kids eat a lot! I forget that, since they're not around all the time.

What else is going on? Hell, I don't know, and I'm not fully focused.

Oh. Hai, Danny! Hai, Phillip! Figure I might as well wave in the direction of people I know are reading my blog. Hai Kat, Mona, Sara, Tracy, Trinette, Sam, 'Chelle, Mom!

I know I have a fair amount of "anonymous" readers, and that's all good, I get a good strong following, which I like and appreciate. It makes me happy that people enjoy reading my blog, as I enjoy writing it. So, nice to have you here, and I'll be back later, writing more useless posts for everybody's entertain, I'm sure :)

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll see that -wave- and raise you a -hug-

Sorry, being awake for only 30 minutes makes me silly. And yes, kids are bottomless holes when it comes to food. Sara (lil miss 6 only 2 days away from 7) has those days more often than I can count.