Saturday, May 10, 2008 job. And the fact that Phil is an asshat.

And yes, that's the title, but only because I was on the phone, and that was what I said to the person I was talking to. And it amused me.

So I started my new job, and I'm actually pretty good at it. Not as great as some of the people who've been doing it for years. But decent. And being good at your job, always a plus. Also, not hating your job, for the win.

And Phil, well, he *is* an asshat. There's just no getting around that. But he's an asshat who probably did me a good turn by proving to me that he couldn't be trusted, and that every word he said to me was a lie. At least I'll always know now that anything he ever says is going to be bullshit. Good to know at least.

I had always said that he'd leave...and he did. I said that he'd abandon me, when someone demanded he drop me, and he finally proved me right, just as I predicted. I wonder how many more of my predictions will pan out over the next few months?

Meh, not that it really matters much anymore. My life is moving on, and with it, things are kind of calming down.

Well, as calm as they *can* be at any rate. Some things are still up in the air, and true to form, I'll post that as it comes up, but in the meantime, I'm treating the symptoms, if not the underlying problems.

Love to all, and know that for right now I'm doing more or less fine. I'll have a new word of the week up tomorrow.


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