Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Girlie crap, freaking Brody

A few days ago, I took recent pictures of me

And then today, I went out with Brody, and she went to go get her nails done. And since I was going to be sitting there, she got me a manicure. Now, I've never had one of those done, because I always thought they were lame and pointless, but she got me one, and it was nice. And my nails look pretty. See?

Well, I like them at any rate. And it was nice.

And updates on miscellaneous other things.

I went to the doctor yesterday, for those who are following the weird happenings with that. I'll be going and having my latest MRI, which should come up clear, because it has been for four years, and I see no reason for that to change. And the doctor is scheduling a second ultrasound, because she seems to think that I'm pregnant, even though the first ultrasound picture is complete shit, there does indeed seem to be something visible on it. Based on the picture, and all the symptoms, she's sending me out of the clinic to the hospital to have a real ultrasound, with a real competent tech doing it. And we'll go from there. But since I've not had a period, and all my symptoms refuse to clear up, and there's *something* on that last scan, she wants me checked out thoroughly, and refuses to prescribe me medication, and wants me to continue staying off of mine, except for my anti-seizure meds. I like the new doctor, a lot. They're also going to check out my gallbladder. Yay? So that's what happened at the doctor. Oh, that and my bloodwork came back freaking fabulously. That in and of itself also sparked the doc's curiousity, because the bloodwork shouldn't have been that clear for me.

So off to the hospital I'll go in a couple of weeks, and I'll know more then.

But I had a good day, and my job is going well, and I'm feeling better based on not feeling crazy anymore.

Cheers, everybody!

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