Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Election day was yesterday, and welcome to our new President-Elect Barack Obama. I'm actually very excited that he's been elected, although I missed his acceptance speech, and McCain's concession speech. I'll check them out on YouTube later tonight, after I finish up my homework. I'm disappointed, intensely disappointed, in California for having passed Prop 8. It saddens me more than I can say.

My horoscope today was kind of amusing, it warned me to beware of things coming back into my life.

And I got a friend request on MySpace today, from Joy. My response? I didn't add her, I simply sent a message to the effect of "Are you kidding?". Because honestly, you dump on me, drop me, and destroy my things while I'm out of town...and then wander back in, and shoot me a friend request as though everything is fine? No, somehow I don't think so. I've had enough of that to last a lifetime.

My playlist on this site has begun to reflect my moods, at least the top selections do, now that I know how to sort through them. So I suppose be warned? If it updates for whatever reason, and there suddenly seems to be a theme? There's probably something going on with me, and I'm in a mood. Nothing new there, I'm always in one mood or another.

Oh. And the frame rates on the new machine, running two instances of WoW simultaneously, along with a chat program, two browsers, and a handful of other things? They're running 40+ FPS. It's *sweet* that it can run that, while in flight, across the Outlands on one continent, and across Kalimdor on the other. Sweet.

Anyhow. I'm slogging through schoolwork, although my grades appear to be holding steady, as long as I can maintain it. It's wearing on me, and emotionally I'm starting to slip. No, there's nothing to be done about it. I'm going to be going onto some tester anti-depressants, and I don't much want to talk about it. I'll be handling it with my doctor, and my therapists. But I don't want anyone telling me I didn't say anything either. If anyone thinks I have emotional extra to help out, no, I don't, I'm sorry. I've gotten to the end of my tether, and I'm simply holding it together the best I can, and while I don't feel like sitting around over coffee sharing feelings, it isn't anything personal against anyone. I just...need to deal.

Next semester, where I don't have to come into contact with actual people, will be better. Except for the stint in April where I have to deal with San Francisco, I can just kind of hide in my little hole, and that will help me tremendously. That's what I need more than anything, is to be left alone, and not have to handle strangers. It's been doing me in, the having to come into contact with people I don't know. I've faked it very well, but ultimately, I rushed headlong into it, and I'm glad I got it over with, but it's been stressful, and I won't try it again for a while.

I'll be looking into Cera Coso, so that I can do more steadily online courses than FCC offers. Thanks Sissa.

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