Saturday, April 12, 2008

so tired

I am so freaking tired. And there is such a colossal amount of stuff still to do, and I can't help but think I may never get it done in time for Trinette's arrival. And I'm beginning to feel like a failure, and a complete lazy slug.

I feel overwhelmed, and it's driving me up the wall. There are boxes, and just *stuff* everywhere. I haven't even managed to get the room measured. I know that I need to go and do it, but it's a two-person gig, measuring.

The desk is still not put into my room. I really am feeling completely overwhelmed. I don't quite know where to start, and as a result, I just want to hide in the corner, and do nothing. It's horrible. I haven't even really blogged, as evidenced by the lack of posts here.

I have no idea how Trinette is holding it all together. She's managed to get her stuff packed, and keep everything moving, and me? I'm just falling apart. If I wasn't spending as much time on the phone with her as I do, I'd probably be a complete flaming basket case. Yay for the nice stabilizing effect she has on me. Bless you Trinette.

I need to sit down, with a notebook, and make a list. But even that is currently somewhat beyond my capability. I start to do that, and my brain whirls in protest, and I end up curled up on the bed, sleeping. Sleep seems to be the only thing I'm doing well these days.

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