Saturday, May 9, 2009


I wrote this a long time ago and posted it on, calling it "Fatophobia". Now I'm reposting it here:

Fatophobia...probably never heard the word before...

Well, this is what fatophobia is:

A fear of overweight people
An ignorance of the varied causes of overweight
A way of thinking that is prejudicial against overweight people
An overemphasis on physical attraction while denying the humanity of someone who is not what is considered "normal".
A degrading of an overweight person in respect to their intelligence, sexuality, ability, insight, spirituality and all other aspects of being a human being.

I live in a society that is stupid enough to think what you look like is who you are. It is stupid enough to think the amount of fat you have in and on your body has some all powerful ability to take away a person's humanity. I live in a society that has as an ideal for appearance based on obsessive exercise, shallow ideals, and starving yourself. I live in a society that has decided that being fat is actually worse than being a manipulator, worse than being a violent abuser, worse than being an emotional rapist, worse than being unfaithful to someone who cares for you. I live in a society that is so shallow that they think sex is dependent just on the size of a stomach, the form of a breast, the looks of the person, but all the time never realizing that sex is always better when a vibrant, caring love exists between the two people.

I live in a society where many people will work on and on for all sorts of rights for different groups, all of which I support, but will look at a fat person and then deny them the same dignity and rights they demand for themselves and others. In other words, they bloody are hypocrites of the highest order. They are shallow, they are bigots, they are sexist and they are stupid.

A lesbian friend and I were talking to each other of how we are perceived by the society around us, and there came a point where we arrived at a conclusion that shocked us. Many claim rights for gays and lesbians based on the assumption they were born gay and lesbian, it is part of them, integral to who they are. Well and good. But the facts are these. There is, to a ratio of at least 50:1, so much more information based on scientific research that proves that a fat person is BORN with a set of neurological, biological, genetic and chemical reasons that determine that they will be overweight, when compared to the research done on the nature of sexuality in reference to gays and lesbians and even straight people. We know more about the nature of being overweight than we know of sexuality, yet we continue to justify our ignorance. To think anything else is going against literally millions of pages of scientific research. Are there people protesting the treatment of fat people? Are there movements by non-fat people who talk about fat rights? Yes, there are. But they're few and far between. Unlike the organizations of any other 'rights' groups, ours is virtually ignored. I live in a society that is full of hypocrites, shallow, ignorant hypocrites. And before somebody writes me and calls me a homophobe, I did in no way question gays and lesbians, I questioned the hypocrisy of those who speak loudly for them, while all the while being sexist, shallow fatophobes.

The TV blares several times an hour about how horrible a person is if they are fat. The media talks about how beautiful those who are skinny are, those who have no FAT that shows, how it is much better to look good than to be good. How much better in sex skinny people are. This one has always mystified me. How would anybody know?? Who is having sex with fat people enough to make any conclusive statements? It is just another example of bigotry at work, lies told by those who do not have the depth of character, insight and love within themselves to just accept another person on any level other than the most shallow. Also, taking it another step, how about making love rather than just having sex? How about stop objectifying others, taking away their humanity just because you want to have physical pleasure. And people think that fat people have a problem. Most of us are light years beyond this.

I actually pity some skinny people. How they need to believe in lies and myths, prejudices and fantasies to have any sense of worth. I have a good view of myself based on how I communicate, how I think, how I love, how I express my arts, how my spirit feels and percieves....not on my weight or my looks. The dysfunctional need to think that because you are skinny you are superior makes me laugh and cry, it is so tragically ludicrous.

Men and women, straight and gay, in this society, will live with, have sex with, have children with, be abused by any number of monsters and smaller dysfunctionals. They will put up with liars, cheaters, adulterers, molesters, violent abusers, emotional rapists, sexual rapists...the list goes on and on...yet, they are put off by somebody who is fat?? And you wonder why your life doesn't work and you are unhappy??

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