Wednesday, August 15, 2007

How to lose friends and influence people

Wow, been a while since I posted anything. Guess I've been in a slump. I keep getting these random piles of things that I contemplate in the middle of the night, but never get up and write them down, and I seem to have lost them by morning. Ah, the laziness, it's killing me!


In the last, oh, year or so? Yeah, that sounds about right. I've come back into contact with a handful of people that I knew either in junior high, or high school, or around then. We were friends then. Granted, I disappeared right after high school for a couple of years, and we all moved on in our different directions, as is pretty normal for the whole growing up process. Okay, sorry, running on tangents these days. Moving on. So I found these people, and sent messages to them. And they responded, and we chatted, and it was all nice and happy and sunshiny. And then they abruptly stopped communicating with me, for no apparent reason.

As I've put some serious thought into it, I really can't come up with any kind of valid reasons for why they'll no longer have anything to do with me. I'm not particularly pursuing the issues, mostly because I'm not sure I want friends who drop me for no reason whenever it suits them. But in all honesty, it bothers me.

I'm not sure what I did that's caused me to be disdained. And this isn't the first time it's happened. It's happened over and over throughout the years. And in every instance, contact was simply severed, with no explanation of any sort. As though I'm good enough to have as a friend as long as I'm useful to them, but as soon as someone better comes along, I'm ignored completely, if not seriously disparaged in general to others who we mutually knew.

And the biggest problem with all of this? It's that since I have no idea what it is that I'm doing wrong that's so offensive as to write me off entirely, I have absolutely no way to correct whatever it is.

I'm not the anti-christ. I'm not mean to people just for the sake of being a jackass. I'm generally nice to anyone who is nice to me. I'm not a stalker. I don't lie, I don't cheat, I don't steal.

I just don't get it. Ah, well.

Oh, and a shout-out to Borrego, thanks for the comment. It cheered me up to see that you'd been by the blogspot :)

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