Wednesday, September 9, 2009

...testing, this thing even on?

Yeah, it's on. I haven't fallen into a chasm, and gotten trapped down at the bottom, although I'm sure it appears that way sometimes to those of you who I never talk to anymore. And that's an awful lot of people. I'm working on that, sorry about the lack of communication, I've been a combination of busy and exhausted. Today is what, Wednesday? Yes, it must be, I just got home, after spending the entire day either in doctor's offices, getting lab work done, or picking up new prescriptions from the new doctors.

I admit it, I'm...hopeful? The new guy seems incredibly competent, in addition to being very nice, and very willing to explain things to me, so that I grasp what it is that he's doing whatever he's doing. Downside? Mountains of lab work, and what I can already tell is probably going to be the round-robin game of MRI's in the near future. But as long as it's for a good cause, I'll deal with it.

Competency in the medical field goes a long way with me, and this gentleman certainly seems to know his shit. It's been quite a while since I sat down and had a conversation with a medical professional who I didn't need to educate on my various problems, and instead, who already knew what was wrong with me, and had suggestions on how to fix them. I'm feeling rather upbeat as a result.

But they took a lot of blood today, and I was incredibly stupid, and didn't think to eat before I left the house, nor did I think to take food with me, so I was woozy as hell after that blood draw, and now I feel kind of, no, incredibly run down. And I'm not sure how I'm going to react to the new stuff, but I'll give it a chance, because anything is better than the way I've been going on.

In other events, I'm looking forward to the paper I'll be researching for my crim class this week, it sounded interesting when I saw the assignment. I'll probably put it together either tomorrow, or Friday afternoon/evening, and tweak it Saturday before I turn it on Sunday. The child development/psychology assignment is also due this weekend, and I plan to put that together tomorrow, after I take C.A. to her appointment. She's nervous, and I want to be there for her.

If J's free Friday, there will be Angel, and if not, I'll do the fine tuning on the crim assignment. That's how that works. Either way, there won't be homework tonight, because I have other plans for myself tonight. I'm already too run down to try and focus for school, and I require cuddles and attention and love. And a shower.

I always want a freaking shower after the vampires at the lab take all my blood away. Not sure why, but I always feel all yucky and dirty, and want a shower. Weird. And I'm freezing cold, and want nothing more than to curl up under a blanket with someone who has a lot of body heat that I can steal. I suspect dinner will be something very fancy, like hot soup, and sandwiches. Right now, Ezz is laying on my lap, trying to keep me warm. He's such a good boy.

Maybe he'll come back to my lap after I get out of the shower. Mmm...maybe I'll make hot chocolate? That suddenly sounds incredibly good. Nummy hot chocolate and a warm kitteh and my warm blanket and a book, or maybe a movie. Hmm. I have earplugs in, to escape the evil that is the gardeners, since I have a headache, and I don't want to hear them.

So that's what I did today, I went and got jabbed with needles, made plans to do homework, and cuddled my kitteh. In a little while, my source of warmth and loves will get back home, and I will snuggle with him, so I should go and shower, so that I can cuddle on him and be all clean and not feel icky.

And away I go...g'night internets.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Best of luck to you on ALL fronts and remember that we love ya lots!