Thursday, September 30, 2010

Old people.

Hi Blog-readers!

Yeah, that actually sounds as though I'm in a good mood, and that things are going better lately...well, to be fair, I *am* doing half-way better. I'm finished with radiation, and I won't need more (apparently), but I'll still be on chemo for 10 more months, at least. Downside? The dose is so much higher than my original dose that I spend a lot of time trying not to puke.

My psychologist recommended pot, since my anti-nausea stuff isn't working very well. It pretty much holds the nausea long enough to get the pills into my system, and the rest of the day, I want to throw up.

But I'm hanging onto the fact that the radiation is done, and that it was successful.

Completely different topic: I live in this town that in all actuality, is a fairly good size. But it feels for all the world, anytime you go anywhere, it seems as though we live in a town of 3000, instead of the million plus that it actually is.

The only places I don't run into people I used to know, or who knew me, are at my oncologists offices. Apparently, everyone I once knew have nice healthy lives. Must be nice. Yeah, I suppose I'm a little jealous.

So, yeah. This town...I wish I could move away, but the doctors are here, or in San Francisco, for what *I* have problems with. Which leaves me with really limited options for where I could live, and still reasonably healthy.

Oh...and hi stranger, I miss you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know about all that. I'm betting it's that we all see different oncologists.