Sunday, September 30, 2007

Secret word of the week

It's that time again, internets! That's right, people!

And this week's word has some help from my friend Brandon, who contributed, along with some help from Jason, so thanks to them.

Ladies and gents, I give you:

Twatcake! That's right, do you eat your twatcakes for breakfast? Lunch? It does your body good! Danny recommends it for Fourthmeal!

Kat recommends Linner! Brandon says let's have brunch!

Mona says anytime is good for her people! Midnight snacks!

What kind of syrup do *you* use on your twatcakes? Raspberry? Regular? Maple? Mona says coolwhip! Gene Wilder says Snozzberry! The Amish, they use butter! And they churn that shit themselves.

How about cookie dough? And yes, always always involve chocolate with your twatcake.

Have a nice day internets.


aznbirdflu said...

Twatwaffles > Twatcakes

The Baroness Von SmartyPants said...

Is that anything like cum biscuits? Because cum biscuits pwn all!

Anonymous said...

the last batch of twatcakes i had were a bit...yeasty

cum biscuits just sound too... filling.

now a nipple souffle could be interesting.