Monday, September 10, 2007

Secret word of the day

I don't even know where to begin this evening. The current household score rests thus: Ezzie: 4 - Headphones: 0. I'd have to say Ezzie is winning. Danny's promised me a shiney new pair tomorrow, since he left the latest pair hanging from the treadmill, and the cat chewed through yet another cord. I have that stupid song "and the cat came back, the very next day, the cat came back he just couldn't stay away" in my head in reference to those headphones. At least he has good enough manners to only eat the headphone cords. Given the amount of other household cords that are within that stupid cat's reach, I should be grateful the only cords he likes are the cords to my headphones, which are the cheapie headphones I prefer. I can only imagine the pain in the ass it would be if he decided he liked the taste of, say, the Mac power supply cord, or something along *those* lines.

The wasp issue in the bathroom appears to be under control. Maintenance was in here earlier today patching over the hole in the wall, and there aren't any more wasps, as far as I know. Not entirely certain of it, because I wasn't here, but I'm told he saw none, and the problem has been taken care of. I hope so, anyhow. Bugs are bad. Yup. Bad.

I feel all scatterbrained, in a weird way (zing! word of the day!) and I'm not altogether sure why. It's as though I'm standing outside of myself, watching everything just sort of putter on around me. I'm watching everyone else doing their normal everyday routines, and I'm doing my normal routine, and everything is as it should be but something is off center. Only I can't explain what that something is. It's very peculiar. Nothing is wrong, per se. There aren't any large black looming clouds on the horizon. The world has not stopped revolving. The sun rises in the east, sets in the west. My stupid cat still jumps on my head every morning. But something is just...weird.

I have watched "Friends" many times, in reruns, over the years. It is playing as background in my apartment while I blog right now, and I can't even *hear* it, because I have in earplugs, and it has captions. And yet, even though I know what's going on, and I'm barely watching it, I still find myself sucked into this inane show. It's ridiculous. I have no idea why it's so fascinating. It's crazy. Why is this show so appealing? Thoughts? Anyone?

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