Sunday, August 3, 2008

Secret word of the week *and* blog post

The secret word of the week is:


I'd intended to use depression, as I'm sure everyone has seen the cheesy television ads where they say things like 'Depression, who does it hurts? Everyone.' Blah blah blah. Not that I particularly watch television, being that I don't have cable, or an antenna or any sort, but the ads run while I'm at my doctor's offices as well, so I've seen them, and every time I watch it, it occurs to me that it's fairly accurate.

Depression does hurt. And it hurts in a lot of ways, and it pains the people around too. I guess I should consider myself lucky sometimes, that there aren't people near me to watch me be miserable, just Ezzie, and he doesn't really understand what's going on. But I decided I'd go with despondent, because for me it isn't depression exactly. I could just go onto anti-depressant medication, and that would probably improve things.

Although honestly, that isn't what I'd intended to be blogging about just now. My blog right now is actually about something entirely different, and I'll be changing gears now. I'm feeling quite snarky on someone else's behalf.

My Sissa, the one who makes me challah bread, and took me in for a month and a half to try and straighten me out a while back, and spends half her time putting me, and everybody else she knows back together? The one who never has anything negative to say about anybody? The one with the kids, and the pets, and the 24/7 juggling act that she somehow manages to keep all the balls in the air of most of the time?

That Sissa? A colossal jackass thought it would be fun yesterday to corner her alone, while she had all three of her kids with her, and lay into her verbally. And with foul language and no regard for the fact that the kids were there and heard every word, this supposed gentleman shoved his nose into business he had no business being in the middle of, and made her cry. And now I'm pissed off, and I haven't yet decided whether or not I will be putting my two cents into things.

I figure that all bets are currently off. It's one thing for points A and B to be having a conversation. But if a third party hops into the middle of things he has no business getting into, and Sissa ends up crying and upset, and the kids have to hear it, because he has the manners of a goat? Then there's no reason I can't rip him a new asshole. Obviously, he has no respect for common courtesy, and no problem butting into other people's business. And thus, should have no problem with my being involved in said business. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been involved in the first place, correct?

I knew all the details of what was going on. Of course I did. Hell, I even have the means and resources to have reached all the important parties. I didn't, because hey, none of my business, right? And those same courtesies should have applied. But since they didn't, and he decided to attack a woman alone, with three children, at a family function. Well, then he deserves what's coming to him. And honestly? I'm not as nice as she is.

You want to ream Sissa and call her names? I can think of a few names you deserve to be called, starting with interfering overbearing asshole, and ending with self-righteous idiotic cocksucker. And yes, using that sort of language will, I'm sure, make you think I'm somewhat less than a lady. And you know what? I don't give a damn. You're certainly not a gentleman, to go and attack someone who *is* a lady, like Sissa. Me, personally? Kids or not, I'd've punched you. I would have sat Lauren on the ground, and hauled off and planted my fist in your face had you said the things to me that you said to her, and then I would have walked inside, and told the entire house full of people what you called me. But then again, a lady, I'm not.

Sissa was a lady all the way through, as all she did was put her children in the car, and leave. Argh!!!

Okay, I think I might be done ranting for right this second. And now, I'm going to go and take another round of Benadryl, and go back to sleep. As I said last night, I plan to sleep until I think I'm fit to pass for human interaction again.

Good word of the week to all, and to all...something or other.

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