Saturday, May 24, 2008


So tired. I am so freaking tired that it's ridiculous. And I have no idea why, because I was actually feeling halfway decently there for a couple of days. But I rather feel like I got hit by a freight train. All I want to do is go to sleep, which is not an option, as I need to work. Queue the suckage. But I have the Vaio up and working, which is making work a lot more pleasant, because I can sit curled up in the corner on my bed instead of at the desk, which is a lot easier on me, so that's good.

I'm going to go and make a cup of tea, and some toast, and curl up and work now, actually. Probably for the rest of the day. I might put a move on on the other computer to play through headphones to listen to while I work, because that will give me sound to listen to. It's pretty neat, the ability to listen to something else while I work. Yay, multi-tasking.

I hope everybody is doing well.

Dana was in town overnight, she got to visit, there are pictures up on my Myspace if anybody wants to see them. It was good to see her. And my little brother is rapidly turning into a giant, he's freaking six feet tall now. It's ridiculous. The kids need to stop doing that, growing up. It's making me nervous. They're good kids though, and I miss them.

OK, going to make tea and whatnot, and then get to work. Yay, monies. (wanders off singing about money)

Byebye internets.

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