Sunday, March 30, 2008

Secret word of the week

This week my secret word of the week is going to be:


Hmm...Looks like there's gonna be stormy weather this week too. It was all overcast and my bones were sore yesterday. Meh. I'm watching it *not* be sunny outside right now, even thought it should be bright as all hell right now by this time. And I can see all the trees blowing, so I'm guessing if I were to actually pull up the blinds, there would be clouds out there too.

In other news, while Trinette was here yesterday, we all sucked, and forgot to turn in the application, so we *have* to remember to do that today before she rolls toward home. HAVE TO.

Watching the kids was a breeze though. All was fine.

I think Melissa's move went fine, I was in Bakersfield babysitting for her too, for most of last week while she packed like a fiend. It was nuts. And she moved yesterday. It sounded like it was insane. Many children and boxes and pets and basically it was crazy. She was unpacking with Lauren getting into cabinets not yet childproofed when last I heard from her. Sounded like Lauren was having a good time with it though.

OK. I'm going to go and...honestly I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Probably check laundry. Catch everybody later.

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