And no, I don't particularly give a crap whether or not she reads this, or whether or not someone tells her about it.
Courtney is fucking nuts. She seems to be under the impression that everything should revolve around her, and that unless things are going her way, everybody else on that planet should be miserable. Which is bullshit.
Danny and I were invite on Sunday to go to a barbecue at Kat & Brandon's. We turned down the invitation because we had other things going on, but partly because I wanted for Tony to be able to go and spend time with his sister without having to deal with Courtney bitching about my presence. Evidently even if I'm not there, she still has to have a bitchfest and try and make him feel bad for wanting to spend time with his friends and family, and not with her. Psychotic much? So pwecious wittle Courtney and pwecious wittle Jennifer had a cow, because I guess they feel that they should get engraved personalized invitations to things? Hell, I don't know. I polled a bunch of people recently and got the same response from everyone. If you're in a relationship and someone invites "you" to somewhere, it's implied that your partner is welcome as well, unless specifically excluded verbally. But I guess if you're pwecious, you have no common sense, and can't grasp common logic. Oh, well.
So yeah. I called over to let Kat know I'd gotten back into town, and said hello to Tony because he was there. Passed along a greeting to Chris as well. Everybody seemed to be having a good time. Chris and Tony's women stayed home, because they're douchebags and wanted to basically ruin everyone else's good time, so nobody was much interested in trying to convince them to go too. (This is supposition on my part, nobody has actually *said* that).
Fast forward to the next day, when the guys were planning on going to the lake. Courtney ties up the phone line for 20 hours straight in the off chance that if nobody can call, she can wreck everybody's plans for the lake. No go, Brandon's too smart for that, and simply goes to the apartment, where I gather Tony put the smack down and went to the lake in spite of Courtney's whining objections. I guess she switched gears and attempted the "but baby spend time with meeeeeee" approach as well, but Tony's getting smarter and can sometimes see through her BS.
So I shoot an email through myspace to Tony to tell him it was nice talking to him the other day, and that I'm glad he's doing well, etc. And that Danny will be joining the boys day at the lake occasionally, and that kind of thing. Cue a response from Courtney *FROM TONY'S ACCOUNT* that tells me to stay away from her and her family and her man, or bad bad things will happen.
By the way, Courtney, go jump in a lake. I don't particularly care what you have to say, or what you think. You don't own anyone but yourself, and not even that, really, since you've been classified nuts by a government agency. You don't own Tony. He can be friends with, talk to, email, talk on the phone to, and spend time with anyone he damned well pleases. And you can suck it.
Oh, and again, Court, not to rain on your parade, but people in glass houses shouldn't cast stones. And I have hard copy now of you threatening me. And the difference between us is that while *you* created a page specifically to try and get me arrested when you knew good and well it was garbage, *I* have actual proof of a threat from you. Which one do you think will garner better results? I can guess, can you?
So, to end my happy little rant here: Courtney has evidently gone completely insane instead of just partly crazy. I don't know what it is that's going on in her head that makes her believe she can do whatever she wants, and have there be no consequences, but that isn't the case. Here in the real world, threats have consequences. Actions have consequences. In the real world, you treat other people decently if they're good to you, and you don't spend your time trying to screw them over.
You also don't spend your time going to parties with your ex-husband, and keeping secrets from your current husband. Bad form.
Grow up. Act like a goddamned adult, not a junior high bitch. Don't pretend you're suicidal, don't threaten divorce or whatever every time your panties get in a bunch. Newsflash...where are you going to go? Oh, that's right. There isn't anywhere. Suck it up.
Oh. And you're a bitch. Have a nice day.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
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