There's a title. It's been a hell of a day. My favorite godson is going in for tests, because he had a wicked seizure last night. And I'm worried. I would honestly be worried about anybody who had that kind of a seizure, being that I have a nice grounded reason to fear that sort of shit, but because it's Caleb, I'm even more worried.
In other news, Court's pulling her usual basic bullshit. Heh, and it's pretty obvious now that the 'crys' profile that was created, was created by her...being that, ya know, her brand-new myspace account is, well..that same original page. Who'd've thunk it. Well, *I* thought it, but hey, what do I know, right?
We went and used the jacuzzi last night for the first time here. It was fucking *awesome*. Bubbles, bubbles, everywhere! We had a blast. Definitely worthwhile.
Dana got to ride all around town with me today, doing the courier run and going with Kat to PT. She was pretty good all day. And we went to the park, and just basically bopped all around.
I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do about dinner, because I can't seem to make up my mind, and my kitchen is thrashed because evidentally *no one* except me grasps the fact that a dishwasher is there to be used, and dirty dishes should (gasp) GO IN IT!
Jackie's birthday is today, and Danny's supposed to be going to the Japanese Kitchen to have dinner with her. She's seventeen now. Almost an adult. It's kind of scary to me, because I've actually known her since she was five years old. Seems like time passes so fast that you really do blink and miss it.
And I can't find my second gameboy charger, which is pissing me off in general, since they're usually kept together, and now one's missing. And I only know one other person who has a gameboy. Since I have two, I have two chargers, etc, and I'm guessing my second one mysteriously went with her when she moved out, and if I try to point it out, much screeching and yammering will ensue, even if she did steal it. I'd rather just spend the money to buy a new one than actually listen to the bitch whining about the query. But it still sucks.
Oh, and I got to meet Georgia, finally. She's sort of like the surrogate mom to a lot of people I've been spending time with lately, and she's great. I gather I'm about to get adopted into her group of kids, since she reamed me pretty well about not letting people take advantage of me for money and stuff. She's a neat lady. And she went and helped Kat out to clean up the apartment, since Kat's still not 100% on her feet. But she's damned close! Someone else had told Kat they'd come and help her out once a week to keep things up, but never actually showed up to do it, so Georgia came in and helped out. Yay for Georgia!
Back to dinner...(randomly wanders off to ponder what to have)
Monday, April 2, 2007
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