Sunday, September 13, 2009

I don't understand it when adults are selfish and immature to the point of ruining others' happiness. Perhaps I truly have removed myself from the rest of 'society', that I just stand/sit around and observe a lot of the time, instead of participating actively, and because I observe, I just don't understand how people can do so much harm to each other.

How can anyone be so narcissistic as to not notice the misery on someone else's face, the complete unhappiness radiating off of a person they're supposed to love? And it's an ongoing thing, not just a one-time event, which is part of what's disturbing me.

Reminds me of the smile now, cry later masks that I used to see, because if I ask, everyone swears that everyone is happy, and things will get better, of course they will. Just a little glitch, and everything is great, just needs a little work, and some time, and a little adjustment.

The trouble with 'a little work, some adjustment', and things of that nature? When you're building something new, if all the adjustments are one side? What you're building is just going to fall down. You can't make everything be happy, and you can't force everything to work, and correct all the little glitches yourself. It takes everyone working together to make things better.

It's a lesson I had to learn the hard way, that you can't force someone to be happy, when they're not. You can't make someone love you, who doesn't, and you can't turn someone into something that they just aren't. No matter how hard you try, and no matter what you do, people are just going to be who they are. It's a sad but true fact. You accept them, all of them, and not while wearing rose-colored glasses. You take them as they are, faults, limitations, flaws and all, or you don't take them. And you don't try to change them, or it just won't work. And if the person you think they are, and want them to be, isn't the person you want? Then, ultimately, you have to let them go, without hate and without malice, because that's just the way it has to work.

You cannot build a foundation on something that isn't real, because the cracks will keep splintering underneath you, and you can't patch holes forever. Fights, and facades kind of drains the life of a person, over time, no matter how hard someone tries. Nobody is that strong.

And I wonder, when the people who blithely drift through life, doing only what they want for themselves, and leaving wreckage and carnage in their wake, I wonder about the people they've destroyed. I wonder about the people who've been left by the wayside, or the ones who are still being damaged, and if they realize that walking away is a viable solution. I wonder at the sadness and the anger, what will come from that, over time? You can only abuse people so much, before revenge and havoc attempts to pay back for a lifetime of neglect and disinterest, or worse. The seeds of that kind of damage can be dark, indeed. And I wonder, if anyone ever thinks about that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think they do for the most part. People are fucked up. People live in little bubbles. Everyone with the whole world revolving around them. Everyone out for themselves.

I used to be like that. Guess I still am to the degree that this world requires us to be.

What I wouldn't give be able to go back to not knowing what kind of pain and suffering we inflict upon others in our blind and selfish pursuit of personal happiness. Because once you see it truly devalues any joy you might otherwise get if you did not know your moment of happiness was bought and paid for by the misery of others.

For what it is worth I still have moments of happiness. They come as surprises from others. I'd much rather settle for contented peace.