Monday, May 25, 2009

Handy tips on how to get the job done.

Here's a neat list of ideas for getting things done:

1. Turn off the computers. ALL OF THEM
2. Turn off the television.
3. Turn off the phone. This includes your cell phones.
4. Make a list of what needs to be done.
5. If it needs to be done, *do not assume someone else should have to do it*
6. Follow the list.
7. Do it until it's finished, not until you're bored or distracted.

See, here's the trouble with getting things done, and excuses. There is always going to be things that have to be done. And unless you live alone, the way I do, there will *always* be somebody else you can shift the blame to for why it didn't get cleaned up, put away, moved where you wanted it, etc. But the truth is, that the only thing you can control, is yourself. And if you want something done, if you *really* want something done? You have to do it yourself. You can't always be pointing a finger and saying that it should have been someone else's responsibility. If you see that it needed to be done, and no one else did, then ultimately, the person who was responsible for the mess, was you. Bottom line.

And constantly claiming that there's not enough time in the day to get everything done is a cop-out as well. The trouble is that most people won't turn off the electronics, and won't actually go and *do* the cleaning necessary to maintain things the way they want. Everybody wants a housekeeper, and no one wants to *be* the housekeeper.

Such is life.

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