Sunday, December 2, 2007

Horoscopes for the day?

These are horoscopes from December 2, 2007:

In one of your newer relationships, things are well on their way toward gaining real momentum. This is a partnership built on mutual respect and a shared sense of what is the right thing to do. It is rare to find a person who brings out the best in you no matter what mood you're in. This is a person you can rely on -- a person you should rely on. You are starting to align yourself with the people who deserve you.

Do not push any of your relationships -- especially the romantic ones -- past their natural dynamic right now. As much as you might be itching for a major change, you cannot force things to go in a certain direction ... if it is meant to happen, it is meant to happen at a certain time. And that time is not today. So right now, just let things take their course. If you do, you will learn an invaluable lesson about patience and giving up some control.


Ok, so mind you, I didn't even see these until the *end* of today. Which makes them all the more creepy. Primarily because I don't actually read horoscopes daily. I tend to read them when I'm bored, and they're for entertainment. Weird. And they're not both mine. I actually read a bunch of different ones, for various people I care about. Because I'm strange like that. So yes, anyhow. Really oddball horoscopes for the day.

I'm going to go and curl up under my blankets now, because I'm very creeped out to begin with, because some weird random crashing noise commenced earlier, and Mona and I are both freaked out by it. There are no boys around, and the loud crashing didn't help. It's just one of those days where I'm easily spooked. It sucks.

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