Also known as, walking weather predictor. Which can be sort of a pain in the ass. Well, actually, not so much a pain in the ass as a pain in the, well, everywhere else, basically. We finally got some rain, yesterday. Or was that today? (ponder) Wow. It's bad that I honestly can't remember which day it rained. Whatever. The day before it finally did rain, I went to go and sign off on the rental application. Everything was peachy. Grabbed my shoes, my keys, out the door I went. Bopping along, everything's just sunny. Wandered across the street. Went up the walkway, and what the hell??!?! Where'd that freight train come from? What the fuck man?! Every single joint and bone and muscle in my body started screaming, simultaneously. I seriously couldn't figure out what the hell was going on. And because it's very unusual, that whole-body experience, I continued on to go sign the paperwork. Staggered my way home, and promptly took enough various high end drugs to sink the Titanic.
For those of you unfamiliar with my drug habits (har har har), that would be I took three (yes, count 'em) Norcos, a Soma, two Motrin and had myself a glass of wine. Suffice it to say I was, um...friendly? Heh. Took about forty five minutes for the stupid things to kick in, but once they did, whooo boy, lookout. I was forbidden to have communication with anyone except myself and Chelle, due to the fact that I was so far inebriated as to be out of control of what I might accidentally say in my completely shit-faced state.
I'm a happy druggie, apparently. Sadly for me, my drug induced haze only lasted about an hour, tops. Although the painkilling effects lasted quite a while longer than that. And once the rain finally came, I no longer need the pain pills.
But good grasshoppers, what was up with the freight train effect? I haven't been slammed like that with oncoming weather in ages. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I got slammed like that. I mean, it's completely normal for me to know that we're about to have a weather shift. I'm better than the weather channel. But a freight train? I can live without *that*, thank you very much.
In other news...the red wine I use for cooking? Abso-fucking-lutely *heinous* for drinking. And my pain pills? Really makes my Topamax ineffective. I get all moody and shit. I can feel the de-mood-stabilizing effects from the pain pills making the mood-stabilizy crap from my meds not working. So, no more pain pills for me. Bummer all around.
So, inebriated Crystal? Bad. Topamax-laced Crystal? Good. Cooking wine? HORRIBLE.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
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