Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Scene set with eleven unidentified people. Some sort of ceremony is taking place, there's an altar at the front with these eleven chairs around a table. I'm carrying what I know is a one and a half foot tall, half foot wide ceremonial plaque of some sort, that's light wood, with the word "Tuesday" in Chinese script emblazed on it. Black on white, with a satin bow at the top of the plaque in red satin. I'm carrying the board to the altar, to put in it's position when someone (male someone) wants to double-check something on the plaque. I take it over to him, I have never removed my hand from it, and when he looks at it, there's great gasping and immediate fear around the table because the plaque is no longer black on white with "Tuesday" on it, now it's white on black, with "Wednesday" in Chinese script, with white lace covering the board. Everyone is upset, and scrambling to get away from the plaque, and by extension to get away from me, for I've obviously done something heinous to cause the gods to change the board I'm carrying which I never got put into place on time. Now there are only four chairs remaining, and they're empty.

Scene change to a street that I know I've seen before, a street I normally cross in the dream. But the avenue is gone. It's covered by fallen trees that are crossing back and forth across what's turned into a muddy/dirty river of some sort. Left with no other choices for crossing, I begin to walk across on the top of a fallen tree. When I reach the center, the trees tumble into the water below, leaving me drowning. And I know I'm drowning. I'm fully dressed, and I know from instinct that even dressed, I can swim back to the top of the water. And I do. I push upwards, until my face breaks the waterline, and I can breathe again. I look around, to grab ahold of something, and someone from off to one side says "I'm dead, but I've gone home". I'm frantically trying to understand, to find that voice, and then I woke up...

Anybody have thoughts on this as a translation of a weird dream?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found these explanations from various online dream dictionaries..enjoy =)Hope it cools down for u over there =) Sara

The interpretation of the dream drowning could be one of a number of reasons. It is not always a bad sing to dream of drowning, whether the person is dreaming of
themselves drowning or another person. Usually dreaming this can be because of a fear.

It’s the subconscious way of letting your body and mind know you are afraid of something. The fear however may have nothing to do with water or with drowning.

Another reason that could be for this dream could mean the person has unresolved emotions. The emotions could be due to the loss of someone drowning in their life, or it could be totally unrelated to that. It could be due to unresolved emotions in a relationship or lack of closure in one. Old issues that have not been properly delt with could be the cause of this type of dream. The issues could be from childhood or in early adulthood.

A current crisis happening in a person’s life could lead to this dream. The more traumatic the crisis is, the more dramatic the dream will be and the more often it will occur will depend on about intense the crisis it. Also the release of old issues could be a cause of the drowning dream. Letting them go and having the dream right away could be a possibility or even after letting the issues go a long period before having the dream.

Also dealing with problems in a negative way could be the cause for this dream. The situation could be a simple problem. It could also be however a more complex

problem. In any case they way the problems are delt with are not in a good light.

Dreams, whether reoccurring or just a one time occurrence should be looked at if they bother a person. Dreams are not always what they appear to be and are usually worth
looking into.