Wednesday, May 16, 2007


So last night I was having this weird thing happen to my thumb. For reference, it happens regularly, and I never really think anything of it. It's this twitch that my left thumb does. It's pretty funny to watch my thumb move up and down completely of its' own accord. So I called Danny over to come see my funny thumb thing. He flipped out. Mind you, there actually isn't anything wrong with me. At least, I don't think there is. My weird thumb notwithstanding.

And then there are the weird memory gaps. As in, I can tell every now and then that I *should* be able to remember something, but nothing comes up. And evidentally there are times when I think I've remembered something, but what I think I'm remembering either didn't exist at all, or it happened, just not when I thought it did. Hence, confabu-what?

The word is actually confabulation. How interesting, there actually *is* a word for my fucked up memory. Whoopee. So yeah, read all about it. Providing that that link I tried to put here works. Not sure, never really tried before.

What else is going on in the world? Or at least, in my world. Not much, to be honest. I've felt like crap for a few days. Been sleeping a lot. I'm pretty well powering my way through the television show "Charmed" still. I'm on season six. It's fun, haven't decided if it's worth buying for me though. Not right now, at any rate.

Katie basically completely ignored me when I asked her about the money that we loaned her that enabled her to even get the job she has now. Which I guess puts her right up there with Courtney on the asshat meter. Courtney also has no intention of paying us back. So I guess I'll be suing them, because fucked if I'm going to just wave bye-bye to a thousand dollars. That's ridiculous. Even if we don't get the funds back, it'll screw up both of their credit reports, the judgement from a court to pay. Maybe it's spiteful and vindictive, but at this point...meh. Although I'm thinking about personally dropping in on Katie at her job to hand over the court paperwork. Courtney can get hers from the local Sheriff's department. What a way to start out a new marriage, by getting reamed by a judge for non-payment of a loan from someone you claimed was a friend. Or just not showing up in court...that would be equally bad, since generally you go to jail when you skip a court date.

What else...The new budget sucks. Budgeting in general sucks, although it looks like we'll make it. Nobody ever said it would be fun. Danny will be travelling again for a while, or so it seems. Me and Ezzie will be okay, we like spending time together.

I'm actually developing an interest in cooking. More than a passing interest, it seems. Yay for the internets and their ready supply of recipes for days. Books are awesome, but the internets seem to have a bigger selection for a much better price.

I don't really have anything interesting to blog about lately. Mostly just venting about my ex-friends who are complete jerks, and being tired. Sorry it's so boring. I'll try to think up something interesting to write about soon. I definitely couldn't be an advice columnist. I just don't have the basic good nature to do that. I'd be sitting around telling people they're stupid and to solve their own problems. Not a good trait in an advice giver.

Back later. Charmed now. Mmmm...and iced tea!

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