Saturday, March 31, 2007

Change in plans

Freaking yay. There's been a change in my plans for the next couple of weeks. Danny and I will be picking up Dana and my kid brother tomorrow, they'll be here all week. I'll still being doing PT with Kat two days a week, and I'll still be hitting the gym with 'Chelle, but I'll be juggling around the kids too.

So I'm going to be a bit busier than I had originally thought I would. I just cleaned the kitchen up, and we're running laundry like crazy because it was all spread out in the living room. So don't be too surprised if you don't hear from me much for the next little while.

Teehee...The Ghostbusters theme song is playing in the background at my house!

Today's plans

Well, my plans for the day honestly aren't very exciting. I took a Unisom last night, to sleep, because my sleep has been sketchy at best. But I got about twelve hours' last night, so that's a good thing. I feel a bit hungover, but that usually happens with those pills.

And my plans for today. I ate some spaghetti, and Danny and I went to Rite-Aid to pick up chocolate, because I was having a lack of chocolate fit. We filled up the candy bowl with Easter candy. Yay! And I ate four pieces, which Danny mocked.

And for the rest of the day I plan to either read, watch a couple of movies, sleep, or just generally veg out. That's it. No going out, no nothing.

Oh, and about MySpace. Yeah, their terms of service kind of suck. They monitor what you say and will delete you if you say something they don't like. I don't like that. My opinions are my own, and google's blogspot encourages that aspect, which is how I ended up here.

Anyhow. I'm off to watch a movie. Catch everybody later.

Friday, March 30, 2007


So yeah, I put up a blogspot. This is not news. I got a couple of queries on whether or not blogspot has a feature like this one does for being subscribed to it. So I went and asked my resident gurus, who tell me that while there *is* a feature for subscription, it's done in an RSS format. Providing you know what RSS is, you can just click the RSS feed link at the bottom of my blogspot to subscribe and get the stuff sent to you. Otherwise, I'm not sure how you would do it, exactly. I, personally, have the people I read's stuff bookmarked on my computer, so I just tag through my bookmark list daily...

Or, sort of taking a vote here, should I blog here and there simultaneously? I mean, there will obviously be posts over there that aren't here, but for my basic bullshit babble posts, should I continue to post them concurrently?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I will master you

Which refers, of course, to my learning to master the new doohickies of this blogspot. I *will* conquer it. Eventually. Because I need pictures and doodads and happy things for my blogspot and my profile on my blogspot. Because I am a nerd. A happy nerd. A productive nerd.

There are brownies in the kitchen. Pot pies are for dinner, with biscuits and peaches. Which actually *does* follow the menu that's posted near my chair. Ironic, when you figure that I put off making the preceeding night's meal for like three days. And then followed the menu for the next day. And I even pulled out hot sausage for tomorrow's spaghetti so it could defrost. Go me!

Tomorrow will be another full day, so I thought I'd be spiffy and remember to take out the stuff to defrost for dinner tomorrow, tonight. Thinking ahead, FTW!

I still need to get to the stupid library, and I still haven't. And it's been almost a month. I just can't seem to get it in gear to get there. Perhaps I'll see if 'Chelle wants to go and take the boys one day next week. She likes libraries.

So I called the stupid Blackstone gym, and asked about having the boys sit outside with us while we swim, like do their homework or something. And apparently they either have to be in the daycare center (they're 9 and 10 years old for christ's sakes), or we can leave them sitting in the front area of the gym, and supposedly the staff will keep an eye on them? Lame, we'll just end up sneaking them out to the pool with us. Idiots. I understand if they're running around and yelling or whatever, or if they're *in* the pool, how it might be a problem. But sitting at a bench doing homework? Bullshit. There are these stupid binks and their boyfriends who lounge about on the chairs out there giving each other massages and rubbing in lotion, but not using the actual pool, and that's ok. So where's the harm in the boys doing their homework? And they want three bucks a day to have them in their little 'daycare' area. Which works out to 15 a week, or 60 a month. And that's fucking stupid, it's more than the actual membership fees.

Mmm...I can smell the brownies. And my nose is twitching. Brownie goodness.

There are new upstairs guys. I can't tell if they just moved in on their own and I missed the girls who live up there moving out, or if it's a boyfriend moving in with the girls who live there. And I don't honestly care. He was a nice guy, said hi and stuff earlier. But whatever electronic equipment that he's moved in with is causing my subwoofer to have an absolute fit. It's done it before. It makes this staticky buzz sound, like it's trying to receive a signal. But with the guys here, it's doing it almost continuously. As though it does it every time his phone rings or something. And it's *really* annoying. We're either going to have to disconnect the sub, or figure out a way to make it bring in a different frequency, Kenneth.

Danny should be here anytime soon. He was heading this way when I started this post, so I'm going to bail and pretend I'm not an internet junkie. Which I am, but hey, we can pretend, right?


Ahh. Better. Damn I'm sore. Swimming kicked my ass. I had fun, and I'm fucking freezing now, since getting out of a nice 86 degree pool into the 47 degree weather kind of sucked, but I still feel a lot better now. I got a chance to sit and talk to 'Chelle, which helped me clear my head. I got to explain to her all the crap that's been taking place for the last few days. I got a phone call last night from the Clovis PD, a very nice officer who was mostly amused, but trying hard to do his job with a straight face. Apparently, everybody's favor psychotic thought it would be fun to make up a fake MySpace account, and claim it was mine. Copy/paste job from blogs I'd posted, blogs from her own account, and various other tidbits. With just a few "additions" thrown in. Things like threats to do her bodily harm. And after making up this lovely little piece of bullshit, she then proceeded to call everybody she could think of and tell them all about "my" profile, but also called the cops, and claimed she was in fear for her life. What complete fucking crap. I'm just guessing here, but it seems to me that the poor officer who handled the initial call got to listen to her hysterical crap, and then he called me...and as we all know, I'm not hysterical. I'm also eloquent, agreeable, and sympathetic to anyone who had to deal with the shrieking shrew. Suffice to say that I now have my stuff back, and that I'll be blogging over here instead of on MySpace from now on. And psychobeast will either have to stalk me here, or will finally get a clue and stop reading whatever I'm writing entirely. One can hope, at any rate.

In other news. We talked to the loan agent, and we're told that we should delay putting a bid in on a house until July, to let the market drop as far as it can. Apparently it'll start rising again come September, and she wants us to get the best price we can. She's nice. So that's where we are on the house. I hope the condo stays for sale that long, because I really do like it, but if it doesn't, it'll be okay. I'm sure there will be other houses that will suit what we want as well.

I still am feeling a little off, and more than a little angry, but I slept better last night than I have in weeks. Knowing that the drama queen incident is over helped me considerably. As soon as the officer heard that she was *literally* crazy, the kind of crazy that you get dragged into a facility for, it seemed to help him decide that what she felt were death threats were things that had originated inside her own head. He also confirmed for me that my original thought was correct, and that PD would be happy to help me retrieve anything I have receipts for. And encouraged me to file a small claims suit. He was quite helpful. At least, helpful to me. I gather he wasn't nearly as helpful to her, being that he didn't take a crazy woman's word, and run right out to arrest me for something I didn't do.

I'm taking Kat shopping for swimsuits tomorrow, since the scab on her ankle is finally healed, and she'll be swimming for PT now that it's off. I gather Mona ended up in a time crunch, and so won't be able to take her, and she *needs* that suit. 'Chelle said she'll go too, then she can get to know Kat. I'm getting better about integrating my friends into one group instead of myriad separate ones. We'll see how that goes.

OK, I *have* to go get into a hot shower now, because I really am freezing. But thanks for reading, and comment to let me know whether or not anybody actually decided to come read over here instead of my MySpace blog. Even if it's a one-liner "hey moron" kind of a greeting.


Welcome to my nightmare

This is just a fast initial post, more to follow when I'm not heading out the door. Danny encouraged me to make an independent blog instead of a myspace blog, and I tend to agree with him. Having read the terms of service here, I can post any opinion I please, and there won't be any noise from the administrators, as they encourage opinions here.

That's all for now. Back later today.